Welcome to Alleluia Romanian Pentecostal Church
A Family of Friends!
A Little About Us
We are glad you have chosen to visit the website of Alleluia Romanian Pentecostal Church. Our church is located in Plymouth Township, Michigan, in the Detroit Metropolitan area, Michigan. At Alleluia Church, our mission is always clear. To Love God -by giving our lives to His purpose & To Love People -by helping them develop a growing relationship with God & To Serve the World -by demonstrating His love in practical ways to our community. Our Vision is to create an environment where people are loved, encouraged, and equipped to develop a relationship with God, with others, and with their community. Let’s do this together!
What We Believe
As a Christian constituency of New Testament believers, we, the Alleluia Romanian Pentecostal Church of God, subscribe to the following declaration of the things which are more surely believed among us (Luke 1:1), praying that there be neither harmful nor divisive difference of belief to the injury of any, nor the disturbance of the peace and harmony of the church, and that we maybe all of the same mind and same judgment, speaking the same things in love (1 Corinthians 1:10; Acts 2:42) and with one voice glorifying God, to the edification of His people, and to give Christian witness to the world.
What We Believe
There is one God & He is eternal. He exists in a 3 person community of perfect love joy peace & life. We call this community the Trinity – Father Son & Holy Spirit.
God created the universe and keeps it going. He created humans in His image to share in His perfect community and also to reflect his goodness throughout the earth.
Rather than sharing in God’s perfect love humans rebelled (sinned) against God’s loving rule. We have therefore been separated from God’s perfect presence and now live broken lives that lead to death.
God lovingly promised to send a rescuing King that would deal with our rebellion (sin) heal our relationship with God and allow us to share in his love again.
God became a man – the son of a virgin. This man Jesus proved to be the rescuing King by living a perfect life and by restoring love joy peace & life to people’s brokenness.
Jesus died to deal with our rebellion (sin) and heal our relationship with God. He was the perfect sacrifice for sin taking our punishment and paying our penalty of death so that we could be forgiven and know God again.
Jesus rose from the dead conquering sin and death forever. This gives us confidence that Jesus is God that he has dealt with our sin and that he can give us eternal life in perfect relationship with God.
We don’t have to do anything to make God pleased with us. We simply turn away from sin and back to God asking for forgiveness and trusting that he loves us enough to rescue us through his death and resurrection – that’s grace!
After Jesus went back to heaven he sent the Holy Spirit to give us the power to live a new life. The Holy Spirit fills us with boldness confidence & assurance to help us to know God to honor Him and to tell others about him.
The church is another name for God’s new community of people that share in his love. It is like an extended family who experience the love joy peace and life of God together through every area of life – in the good times and the bad.
The church has been given the amazing task of sharing this incredible news of restored relationship with God throughout the world. Through our actions and words we show and tell others that God can bring hope to broken lives.
Jesus will come back to the earth bringing justice and judgement. Everyone that has asked to be forgiven and restored to God will be welcomed into His kingdom forever. Those that have chosen not to will enter eternal death outside of God’s goodness and love.
People Ready to Help

(734) 740-3280

(313) 999-4359

(248) 703-6136

(734) 788-8597

(313) 995-8471

(734) 272-2740

(312) 522-9704

(313) 727-9198

(313) 445-6382

(586) 864-6815