Online Donations



Thank you for your interest in contributing financially to the growth of this ministry for Jesus Christ.

Alleluia Church is a faith based work for God that is wholly dependent upon the faithful gifts and tithes of our members and friends. Our promise is to take your donation and use it to the best of our ability to fund the spread of the Good News of God’s gracious salvation both locally and globally.

Rest assured, your funds will be handled with the utmost integrity and the information you supply us through your giving will be kept strictly confidential.

So, thanks again for your generosity. Simply click on the button below and you will begin the online giving process. May the Lord richly bless you!


IMPORTANT: if you already have a Paypal account, please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to donate directly from your Paypal account. If you do not have a Paypal account, please use the form below to donate using a credit or debit card (no Paypal account needed).

For assistance with online donations, please call (586) 864-6815 or (248) 835-6342.


Select Payment Method
Personal Info


Donation Total: $100.00